Terms of Service

Please read before creating an account!

  1. Account and Identity

    1. Provide true, current, and complete information when creating your account.
    2. Maintain the confidentiality and security of your account details.
    3. You are responsible for all activities under your account, including unauthorized use.
    4. Choose appropriate and non-offensive character names.
    5. Impersonation of staff or other players is not allowed.
  2. Service Offering

    1. The game is provided "as is" without any warranty.
    2. We are not liable for any issues arising from the use of the game.
    3. Modification of the game client to gain unfair advantages is forbidden.
    4. The use of third-party software, bots, or scripts that affect gameplay is prohibited.
  3. User Conduct

    1. Treat others with respect; no inappropriate behavior, offensive language, or abuse.
    2. Harassment, threats, incitement, and discrimination are strictly prohibited.
    3. Respect community and channel-specific guidelines.
    4. No spamming, NSFW content, or advertising other games/servers.
    5. Keep your name and display picture appropriate.
    6. Don't share personal or illegal content.
    7. Avoid trolling, flaming, and public shaming.
    8. Stay on-topic and respectful in discussions.
  4. In-Game Rules

    1. Exploiting bugs, botting, or account theft will result in immediate sanctions.
    2. Respect the in-game environment and other players' experiences.
  5. Communication Standards

    1. Insults, threats, and inappropriate communication are forbidden.
    2. Communication in public channels must be respectful and relevant.
  6. Gameplay Integrity

    1. Abusing game mechanics or interfering with others' gameplay is not allowed.
    2. Respect the rules of competitive and cooperative play modes.
  7. Account Suspension and Termination

    1. Violation of these Terms may result in account suspension or termination.
    2. Illegal activities under your account will lead to immediate action.
  8. Agreement Acceptance

    1. By creating an account, you agree to these Terms.
    2. Disagreeing with these Terms requires you to not use the Service and to contact us for account closure.
  9. Changes to Terms

    1. We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time without prior notice.
    2. Continued use of the Service after changes indicates acceptance of the new Terms.